Wednesday 23 March 2011

Lee's Lot: farm life continues

Lee's Lot: farm life continues: "Rambo. As I said Rambo our very large strong headed ram was for what ever reason only known to him, not going up to the top paddock. N..."

farm life continues

 As I said Rambo our very large strong headed ram was for what ever reason only known to him, not going up to the top paddock. No matter what we did or tried he would not budge. On this day I had my sister Nicole her partner Tyler and their two children Makaila and Kieran staying with us. Makaila and myself went down to the paddock to try and reason with Rambo, thinking he may listen to our female logic. No! Typical. Later in the day we all headed back down. Tyler in his wisdom thought if he took a big stick with him it might help protect him. Geoff thought he would hop on the quad, to protect him. Nic myself and the two kids went as we were. Rambo by now was starting to get quite agitated he had his head down ready to head butt who ever came near him. We sent the two kids back up to the next paddock out of harms way. Geoff had tried to get Rambo moving by driving the quad at him but all he did was stand his ground and head butt the quad. For what ever reason Rambo did not seem to like Tyler or Geoff. Possibly because they had taken his harem away. The rest of the sheep were all up where they were suppose to be. Rambo was about 10 meters away from where Tyler was standing and the next moment Rambo charges at Tyler knocking him off his feet. Now Tyler is not a little man. So much for the big stick! Once I knew he was okay I burst out in laughter, it was so funny. {having a little chuckle while writing this} Another one of those moment that I wish I had got on film. We decide to take a break and head back to the house. Giving Rambo a chance to slow his breathing down, Tyler a chance to check for damage and for me to get myself together, I had tears from laughing so much.
Take Three, the Last One.
 The four of us head back down for one last try, Pete the Shearer would be here soon. Nicole has her camera with her this time, Geoff is on the quad and Tyler stays a very healthy distance away, behind a tree and behind a very large log.Geoff is nudging at Rambo but he just kept head butting the bike. He would not budge. Nicole is taking photos and yelling out " go at him harder take a firmer approach " Rambo head butted the quad so hard he got a blood nose. I'm thinking you poor thing. I was starting to feel very sorry for him by now. Rambo that is. We call an end to it. A win for beast a loss for man.                                                        Pete the Shearer/ Shearing Time.
Pete turns up in his ute with his shearing paraphernalia. Says gid'day. He is as Aussie as a bush Aussie is. Pete starts to unload all the things he needs while being watched by a large fascinated audience.......... to be continued           

Lee's Lot: life in the country

Lee's Lot: life in the country: "Having recently brought a small farm in the country, I have been continuously amazed at some of the things I have seen. Mainly to do w..."

Tuesday 22 March 2011

life in the country

Having recently brought a small farm in the country, I have been continuously amazed  at some of the things I have seen. Mainly to do with live stock. Never again will I think a cow is brainless or that sheep are stupid. One day when heading into town around about milking time, I was following behind a car that had to stop to let the cows cross the road. Half the cows had already crossed over the other half were yet to do so. The car in front of me took off and I followed behind it, I proceeded to turn around to watch the cows as there was a truck fast approaching the crossing. This particular cow stopped looked to the left looked to the right, back to the left back to the right again saw all was clear and crossed the road. By the time this cow had crossed the truck had reached the crossing and the other cows waited for it to go past before they crossed. Now this is very true I only wished I had a video camera at the time. There was no farmer in sight. Usually there will be a farmer on his quad supervising this crossing the road procedure, but not this day.
Months later it was shearing time. We had to get our sheep up to the top paddock in wait for the shearer. Our Ram who we named Rambo was not having a bar of this................................ to be continued.